Accessibility Open Lab: June 2024

Start Date
End Date
Digital Accessibility Coordinator

Accessibility Open Labs are a time for you to come and receive help from the Digital Accessibility Coordinator on your digital platforms and with SiteImprove.  This is an open forum where you can ask questions and receive help as needed and partner with other people who are working on the same or similar accessibility barriers.   All are welcome to come and work and learn how to make their digital assets more accessible.

You do not need to attend the Accessibility Open Labs for the full time of the class.  However, we ask that if you are going to come later in the training to give us a heads up so that we can make sure we have someone available to help you when you enter the training.  Once your issue has been resolved you can leave the training or you can stay in the meeting to learn more about accessibility. Once everyone in the training has been helped or the training time has ended the training will over, so make sure to notify the digital accessibility coordinator if you are going to be late to the training session.

The Office of Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights would like to make this an inclusive and accessible experience for everyone. Should anyone require disability-related accommodations to participate in this training, please send any requests to [email protected] as early as possible, but no later than the Monday prior at noon (12pm), so that we have time to arrange for the necessary accommodations. 

Note: To allow for time to put the disability-related accommodation in place, we recommend including a date that is at least 5 business days prior to the event.